
Welcome to the blog! Here I will be spending my time making an account of my semester taking Life Drawing II at University of Wisconsin - Stout. Thanks for dropping in!

Sept. 2010 - Dec. 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


So for the last couple weeks we have been working in class on portraits of each other. This has been a really good connection between the cranium stuff that we learned this year and the information about the face that we learned in LD1. We were supposed to be working on these portraits of people in class, but due to a cold and my modeling one day, I ran out of time and asked my boyfriend to model for me. A pretty willing subject considering he can sit pretty still with a videogame in front of him! I am really pleased with these drawings. I think I achieved a very lifelike quality in the two of Jake. I did however mess up some of the proportions, which I see now after we've had critiques.

In other news! I got a new baby kitten for christmas! She's so adorable. Her name is Kiki. She has quite the split personality. She is either a cuddle-baby or psycho-crazy active. I also discovered that it's hard to draw with a new kitten in the house. Because apparently whatever you're drawing with becomes her new favorite target/play-toy. I don't think I can count how many times she's come charging in out of nowhere and taken the conte out of my hand. She's definitely a little hunter. Luckily the random kitty marks across your paper are pretty easy to get rid of.


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